Ho-liao fire massage

The Ho-liao healing procedure is quite exotic in our latitudes, but has already won respect due to its amazing healing effect. In addition, she combines therapy with a pleasant relaxing massage.

When using the procedure, the heat emitted by a burning towel soaked in herbal decoction intensively warms the body, expels cold from the body, thereby eliminating the symptoms of inflammatory processes in all organs.

Fire therapy is aimed at improving energy exchange in skin tissues. In places of warming, the temperature of the skin rises, muscles warm up, capillaries expand - this allows:
• relieve muscle spasms;
• swelling;
• hematomas pass;
• improves local blood circulation;
• the nervous system calms down, irritability decreases;
• strengthens the immune system in general.

How the Ho-liao fire massage works:

Fire therapy is performed first, followed by a relaxing and warming massage using aromatic oils.

Contraindications to Ho-liao massage:

• diseases of the cardiovascular system;
• cancer patients;
• pregnant women;
• people with acute inflammatory diseases;
• women during critical days.

*By purchasing a subscription, you receive discounts from 10% to 20%.
⁃ 10 procedures, 10% discount
⁃ 15 procedures, 15% discount
⁃ 20 procedures, 20% discount